Square Plait rug Gan Rugs  Gan Rugs
Square Plait rug Gan Rugs
Square Plait rug Gan Rugs
Square Plait rug Gan Rugs
Square Plait rug Gan Rugs
Square Plait rug Gan Rugs
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Square Plait rug Gan Rugs

Gan Rugs

Minimal quantity: 1

Delivery in  2-3 weeks
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Square Plait rug Gan Rugs

Plait Square is a small designer cross-shaped rug in pink and grey wool, designed by Patricia Urquiola. It would be perfect at the foot of an armchair, sofa or Gan Rugs pouffe. Contemporary and fun, it will work well along with modules from the Mangas collection.

Supplier reference
Wool 100%
Artisanal manufacture
There may be slight colour variations between styles. These are not defects. They demonstrate the unique character of each piece.
160 cm / 62.99 in
160 cm / 62.99 in
4 cm / 1.57 in
Origin of manufacture
If you have any questions about this product, please contact us.