Maison Images d'Epinal

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1 color
custom-made possible

Forêt aux Oiseaux Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Parc du Château Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Jardin d'Hiver Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Gare de Chemin de Fer Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Café de la Gare de Fer Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Fond de Forêt Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
5 colors

Costumes Orientaux Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
374,00 €
5 colors

Le Leopard Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
375,00 €
1 color
custom-made possible

Magasin d'Etoffes Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Décor Vénitien Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Nouvel Opéra Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Flower Faith Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Jardin d'Eden Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
2 colors
custom-made possible

Forêt Hutte Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Fond de Forêt et Renard Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Elephant Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Fond de Forêt et Cerf Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Oiseaux de nos Campagnes Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Forêt 2 Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
5 colors

L'Ibis Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
374,00 €
1 color
custom-made possible

Le Paon Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Jardin d'Hiver Doré Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Jardin Vegetal Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Envol de Papillons Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
5 colors

Scenes Japonaises Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
374,00 €
1 color
custom-made possible

Lac panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
5 colors

Le Singe Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
374,00 €
1 color
custom-made possible

Carnaval Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Tour Eiffel Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
1 color
custom-made possible

Arctique Panel

Maison Images d'Epinal
115,80 €/m2
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Epinal's imagery is the most famous and the last one in activity in the world. Originally, Jean-Charles Pellerin, playing cards and game sheets merchant, founded his factory in 1796 by combining the techniques of engraved wood and stencil coloring to the Gutenberg press. This is the beginning of the great adventure of images and the imagery of Epinal then becomes all at the same time publisher, printer, bookseller, advertising agency, creator of games. The descendants of the artisanal enterprise continue its work and develop its creations as its techniques sometimes allowing editions up to 500,000 copies even before the development of mass media.

If the twentieth century and its innovations in terms of media plunges Fabrique Pellerin into a difficult context, it nonetheless remains the heiress of an exceptional historical heritage that will subsequently be enhanced by a new generation of talents like Fred, Tardi or François Schuiten. Today, with an internal design studio combining traditional techniques and high-tech mediums, the company develops the edition of images and objects, wall panoramics, paintings, upholstery fabrics and personalized prints, under the name of Maison Images d’Epinal. Endowed with traditional methods of production, preserved thanks to a fleet of machines unique in France, the company is labeled "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" distinguishing French companies of craftsmanship and industrial excellence.