Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada  Maison Dada
Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada
Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada
Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada
Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada
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Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada

Maison Dada

Minimal quantity: 1

This rug is also available in the dimensions of your choice, depending on the technical feasibility. Please contact us.

Delivery in  14-15 weeks
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Autumn in New York 4 rug Maison Dada

Autumn in New-York 4 is based on an illustration by Sophie Dariel who is composing here a pictorial score on the theme of New-York in autumn. Graphic, fresh and dynamic, this design reflects the uninterrupted movements of this fascinating city.

Supplier reference
Wool 60%, Tencel 40%
240 cm / 94.49 in
240 cm / 94.49 in
1 cm / 0.39 in
4100 g/m²
hand-tufted, Non-slip backing in cotton and latex
If you have any questions about this product, please contact us.