Paralleli B4 Rug Golran  Golran
Paralleli B4 Rug Golran
Paralleli B4 Rug Golran
Paralleli B4 Rug Golran
Paralleli B4 Rug Golran
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Paralleli B4 Rug Golran


Minimal quantity: 1

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Delivery in  5-6 weeks
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Paralleli B4 Rug Golran

Paralleli B4 rug offers a visual and emotional journey where tradition meets modernity. Created by the Italian designers duo Dimore Studio, this rug combines classic patterns with abstractionist color inserts, knotting and embroidery techniques, combines raw materials such as wool, silk and metal, without any censorship, creating a new and moving aesthetic. Made with the excellence of Golran's know-how, this rug reflects the richness of the designers' language and praises their remarkable sensitivity and talent for assembly and diversion.

Supplier reference
Coating : Wool 60%, Silk 36%, Metal 4%
2 years
250 cm / 98.43 in
Origin of manufacture
If you have any questions about this product, please contact us.