Vetro 4 Rond Rug Yo2  Yo2
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Vetro 4 Rond Rug Yo2


Minimal quantity: 1

This rug is also available in the dimensions of your choice, depending on the technical feasibility. Please contact us.

Delivery in  5-6 weeks
3 570,00 €
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Vetro 4 Rond Rug Yo2
This round zest felt rug is inspired by the aesthetics of stained glass to create a unique piece of art. It is designed by carefully assembling coloured pieces that are held together by a black outline, giving the rug a distinct structure. This round Vetro 4 model has the ability to positively transform the atmosphere of any space by introducing colour and light. Yo2 reminds viewers of the essential importance of love, compassion and mutual acceptance in their daily lives.
Supplier reference
Polyamide 100%
350 cm
0.97 cm
Number of knots per m2
Nynke Tynagel
If you have any questions about this product, please contact us.