Geo Black&White Cushion Gan Rugs  Gan Rugs
Geo Black&White Cushion Gan Rugs
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Geo Black&White Cushion Gan Rugs

Gan Rugs

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30% OFF 121,00 € 85,00 €
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Geo Black&White Cushion Gan Rugs

Imaginé par la brillante Sandra Figuerola, le coussin Geo Black&White affiche un élégant design graphique, hautement contemporain. Tout en finesse, il réchauffera votre intérieur.

Supplier reference
Piping : Jute 100%
Internal composition
Piping : Polystyrene 100%
Artisanal manufacture
There may be slight colour variations between styles. These are not defects. They demonstrate the unique character of each piece.
40 cm
70 cm
hand-woven, delivered with interior trim
Sandra Figuerola
Origin of manufacture
If you have any questions about this product, please contact us.