Legal Notice

The company is a simplified public limited company under French law (Société Anonyme Simplifiée, SAS) with capital of 30,333 euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Crétail under number 520 579 939

Intra-community VAT ID no. FR59520579939

Our premises are located in the Paris region at 7 quai Gabriel Péri, 94340 Joinville Le Pont.
Telephone +33 9 72 30 30 39 (standard rate), Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00.

Email: serviceclient[at]


Publishing Director: Mr Philippe Bertron, President and Founder

Hosting company : Nexylan, 274 ter Avenue de la Marne, 59700 Marcq-en-Barœul France Tel +33 (0)3 66 72 15 72

Privacy Policy

We attach great importance to the confidentiality of all of your personal data and to adherence to the regulations in force. You can find the details of our commitments in our GCS article 17.

CNIL NS-48 standard declaration registered on 12/04/2010 under number 1423371.

Dispute resolution

Pursuant to Article 14(1) of the European Regulation 524/2013 of 21 May 2013 on out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, the European Commission provides consumers with an online dispute resolution platform available at this address:

In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes, adheres to the FEVAD (Fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance) Consumer Mediator Service whose contact details are as follows : FEVAD Consumer Mediator - BP 20015 - 75362 PARIS CEDEX 8 - After prior written representations by consumers to, the Mediation Service may be contacted for any consumer dispute which has not been settled. To find out how to contact the Mediator, click here.

And what's more...

The domain name was registered on 2 December 1999. The website is the culmination of a long history within the fabric trade...